Wilcombe Primary School

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Ventrus MAT

GB Athlete Visit

Kirsty Way visited us to share her Gymnastics Journey

We were visited by British athlete Kirsty Way. Kirsty has competed for Great Britain across the world as a Double Mini trampolinist, winning British, European and World titles. Whilst with us, Kirsty led individual class circuit workshops, giving the children an insight into her training programme. The whole school then gathered in the hall for an assembly when Kirsty shared her career so far and what it takes to become an athlete. To support Kirsty with her training and raise money for the school, pupils have raise above £500.00, which is an amazing effort. We thank Kirsty for coming to visit us and the children in their fundraising efforts.

Meeting Kirsty Way


Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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