Wilcombe Primary School

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Ventrus MAT


Whole Class Reading

Once children have completed the Read Write Inc Phonics scheme, reading is taught as a whole class approach. This involves the entire class reading together. Instead of individual students reading silently or taking turns, we come together as a community of learners. This allows us to allows us to model our enthusiasm for reading and books. It creates magic and excitement around the joy of diving into a good book.

How Does It Work?

  • Shared Texts: We select engaging texts—whether longer novels or captivating picture books—that resonate with and interest our pupils. These texts become our shared reading material.

  • Teacher-Led: Our teachers take the lead. They read aloud, bringing characters to life, emphasising emotions, and making the story come alive.

  • Interactive Discussions: As we read, we pause to discuss. We explore vocabulary, predict what might happen next, analyze characters’ motivations, and connect the text to our own experiences.

  • Building Comprehension: Whole-class reading helps children develop comprehension skills. Pupils learn to infer, question, and make connections—all essential for understanding complex texts.


Accelerated Reader

What is Accelerated Reader?

When children have completed the Read Write Inc Phonics Scheme, they will be assessed using Accelerated Reader. 

Accelerated Reader or AR is an online resource that enables computer-assisted assessment of student comprehension of “real” books. It enables

  • increased student motivation to read more, longer, and harder books

  • formative feedback for the teacher

  • teacher promotion and management of effective reading practice

We encourage children to select their own books using a variety of choosing strategies. In addition, teachers may choose to allow students to take tests on books that they read collectively or books they have had read to them. After completing a book, children take a multiple-choice comprehension test on the book's content. Tests may have 5, 10, or 20 questions, depending on the books ‘AR level’. The program scores the test, awards the student points based on the results, and keeps a record.

Since children are reading books at their own reading and interest levels, most children are likely to be successful and enjoy the books and quizzes. Best of all, they learn and grow at their own pace. 

How can parents help?

Parents, you play a crucial role! By discussing the shared texts at home, you model your love for reading. Your excitement is also contagious.

  1. Supporting Comprehension: Ask questions about the story. Encourage your child to predict what might happen next. Discuss characters and their feelings.

  2. Beyond the Classroom: Extend whole-class reading beyond school hours. Visit our local library together, explore new genres of stories, and celebrate the magic of books.

Resources for Parents:

Remember, reading is not just about decoding words—it’s about unlocking worlds.

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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