Wilcombe Primary School

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Ventrus MAT


SEND Policy

Click here to see our 2024-2025 SEND policy

SEND at Wilcombe

Wilcombe is a very inclusive school where the drive to meet every child's individual needs is embedded in everything we do. We believe that everyone has the right to an inclusive education, and to be a part of our school community. 

In recent years approximately 30% of children within our school have been deemed to have a special educational need or disability of one kind or another. Children have a special educational need if they have a learning difficulty, which requires additional or specific provision to be put in place for them. 

Our curriculum and learning environment

All of our children access high quality teaching which takes account of pupil’s differing needs and a curriculum which allows children to learn in a variety of ways, become independent learners, thrive in areas of strength and gain confidence in areas they need to develop. Where appropriate, the curriculum is adapted and reasonable adjustments are made to meet the range of special educational needs and disabilities in our school. Where children are in need of additional support, this will be provided within the classroom setting to allow for full inclusion. It may also be given through small group sessions in addition to their usual classroom provision. Teachers and teaching assistants will provide a tailored and personalised approach in line with a child’s EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) or IEP (individual education plan). 

School trips are an important part of a child’s education we make every effort to provide these opportunities to every child in our school. All of our children regularly attend school trip and offsite sporting activities. Our KS2 children, including those with additional needs are invited to attend annual residential trips. Arrangements will be made to ensure all children can fully contribute to every aspect of school life.

Supporting wellbeing for our children with SEND

Our staff excel in building relationships with children and getting to know each child's needs individually. As such, we have created a culture of safety and trust which greatly supports us in meeting our children's wellbeing needs. We run a variety of interventions to support with wellbeing and emotional literacy as well as following external professional advice, such as educational psychology recommendations. We also have access to a trained ELSA practitioner who is always on hand to support children as and when they need it. 

Currently, we are able to offer our children counselling through Place to Be. These children are supported through 1:1 counselling sessions, small group sessions and through lunch time drop in sessions. 

Parental involvement

At Wilcombe, we hugely value the effective partnership between home and school. We encourage our parents of SEND children to be an active part of their education through regular meetings with teachers and with the SENDCo, through providing parent voice through the IEP and EHCP processes and contributing to the goals their child is working towards. 

SEND information Report

Please click here for the link to our SEND information Report 

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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